Friday, July 28, 2017

Review: Faith + Wellness: Resisting the State Control of Healthcare by Restoring the Priestly Calling of Doctors

Faith + Wellness: Resisting the State Control of Healthcare by Restoring the Priestly Calling of Doctors Faith + Wellness: Resisting the State Control of Healthcare by Restoring the Priestly Calling of Doctors by Rousas John Rushdoony
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A ſeries of ſhort reports from ðe laſt millennium, amaziŋ how preſcient. As uſual wiþ Ruſhdoony, ðey merit an edition extenſively footnoted for ðe benefit of ðe reader almoſt half a century detached from ðeir original context. Even if I find myſelf diſagreeiŋ wiþ a few points & takes, it could be juſt my lack of context.

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