Review: Solomon Among the Postmoderns
Solomon Among the Postmoderns by Peter J. Leithart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Takes a while to ſtart, wiþ a long & ſympaþetic expoſition of what is (& is not) poſtmoderniſm), & only comes to its own in ðe laſt few pages, when it fully brings Solomon’s wiſdom to bear witneß unto poſtmoderns; yet more ðan worþ its while.
On a ſecond readiŋ, for tranſlation, looſes a bit of it ſtrengþ due to me haviŋ already read Carſon’s duo ‘Chriſt & culture reviſited’ & ‘Ðe intolerance of tolerance’, which ſeriouſly deflates Poſtmoderniſm.
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