Monday, December 30, 2019

Review: Never Try to Arouse Erotic Love Until . . .: The Song of Songs, in Critique of Solomon: A Study Companion

Never Try to Arouse Erotic Love Until . . .: The Song of Songs, in Critique of Solomon: A Study Companion Never Try to Arouse Erotic Love Until . . .: The Song of Songs, in Critique of Solomon: A Study Companion by Calvin G Seerveld
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A very surpriſiŋ — at leaſt to me — take on Ðe Soŋ of ſoŋs as a dramatic poem between a decadent, polygamous Salomon, ðe Shulamite he preſumably had kidnapped, ðe Shulamite’s country lover & a chorus of harem women. Starts very well, ðen wanders off a bit tryiŋ to find applications on friendſhip & ðe like, but ðen finiſhes well wiþ ðe Soŋ itſelf ſet dramatically.

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