Saturday, August 11, 2007

Oracle Databaſe 11g diſappoints

Oracle diſappoints. Once again. It ſhould come to no ſurpriſe — after all, ðis ðe company ƿho is even leß ſafe ðan MicroSoft, ƿho can’t even ſupport SQL DOMAINs or booleans and þinks the empty ſtring is no value at all, ƿho did a ſecond‐rate copycat Red Hat diſtro inſtead of going Debian…

But noƿ it ſeems ðey really made an effort at diſappointing. Ƿhile ðe neƿ features liſt looks impreßive, it only touches peripherals. No SQL improvements at all. Read again. No SQL improvements at all. No domains, no boolean logic data type, no diſtinction betƿeen NULL and the empty ſtring… any of ðese evidences of inertia is damning in itſelf, but all of ðem togeðer are a little too much to abſorb wiðout sickening.

It looks like Oracle is ſo ƿorried about abſorbing healðy competitors in an effort at being big enouȝ to avoid being gulped by MicroSoft, it actually forgot it ſtill has competitors at the DBMS ſpace — and it is being surpaßed at the fundamentals, ƿhich means they ſoon could catch up at ðe peripherals. Not to mention RDBMSs being around ðe corner. All hail our neƿ free ſoftƿare overlords, ¡your arrival is overdue!